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Volkswagen Touareg No Ignition Lights No Start Repair FIX SellOff
Volkswagen Touareg No Ignition Lights No Start Repair FIX SellOff
Volkswagen Touareg No Ignition Lights No Start Repair FIX SellOff
Volkswagen Touareg No Ignition Lights No Start Repair FIX SellOff
Volkswagen Touareg No Ignition Lights No Start Repair FIX SellOff
Volkswagen Touareg No Ignition Lights No Start Repair FIX SellOff

Volkswagen Touareg No Ignition Lights No Start Repair FIX SellOff

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The Access Start Authorization lock module is a part of vehicle's steering column.  Module failure is a common problem in Cayenne 2003-2010 model vehicles. Also in Touareg and Audi A8. The problem is typically identified by no start and no response from key in the ignition, or proximity access (Start button). The Start / Stop Authorization Module (along with the Electronic Ignition Switch) is responsible for key/transponder recognition, unlocking/locking of steering wheel and powering up all modules in the vehicle. If there is an issue with any of the lock module components (actuator motor, sensing micro switches, relay) or the integrated Immobilizer system Microprocessor/PCB, the module will not provide power to Terminal 15 (ignition on).  End result, no ignition and no engine start.  The module will typically store "00288 - Steering Column Lock Actuator  Defective" or similar fault. This repair kit is for module number 4E0905852

You will get OEM replacement parts.

Repair Kit for modules 4E0905852

KIT includes

2 x Tyco relays Automotive grade  

Common problem with this module :

 -Takes several attempts before car will start

-Steering lock fault code 00288 (steering lock actuator N360)

-Clicking noise when key inserted

-No ignition car will not start

-Vehicle immobilized

-Steering wheel locked

If you already managed to reset this error by EOBD diagnostics the problem will most likely happen again unless you change the parts supplied in this KIT.

DIY Job.

Anyone with basic knowledge and tools can desolder old and solder new parts. Just be patient and tidy.

If the module if from your car then NO ADAPTATION is required. Just put it back in when you change the parts.

If you have a situation where you don't have ignition at all caused by this module then there is a way to reset it. 

What ever problem you have with this module don't put it back in as it was, because the problem will reoccur unless you change the switches and relay.

*This kit will not solve the problem if the motor itself is damaged. You can check the motor easily with 12VDC supply. It happens rarely but it’s better to check.

Expedited shipping, tracking number included.

Same day shipping if purchase made by 6 p.m., Zagreb local time (Monday to Saturday). 

Have a nice day :)